I think from now on, I'll write short entries so that I dont have to crack my head so much for the sake of updating. And I'll end up not writing anything. And yes, will put up more pictures so that pembaca-pembaca *kalau ade lah..* tak muak atau bosan. ye ke?? Well, here are some photos during my niece's birthday recently that people might enjoy looking at.
Yesterday i ate bihun sup simply because one of my friend yg dah xnak kawan dgn i lagi tulis kat dlm blog die mak die masak mi sup.tibe2 teringin.but i bet mak die pnye mesti 10times better than the one that i ordered.and yes,kawan kite tu dah xnak kawan dgn kite lg..kite nak bgtau cikgulah camni!
sometimes its funny looking at people's reaction on certain things, especially at the age of TWENTY NINE YEARS OLD mind u!
Tu lah mak ai slalu pesan, kalau nampak salah orang, please tengok kat diri sendiri tu. Ape yang kite dah buat. Then u judge. Thank you ;)
*i want to elaborate more, but then..nahhhh!!i'm better than that dude!
**tulisan i warne purple, menggambarkan betapa rasionalnye i.. comel kan kan kan!!