Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Anniversary Shout Out (2)!

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Happy 14th Anniversary Sister!

My kakak is married for 14 years already and has 4 child. 2 boys and 2 girls. The eldest is 13yo this year, second 11yo, third 9yo and the youngest is 4yo. The eldest born in October 11th while the youngest born in October 13th. The second one born in December 6th while the third born in December 8th. Pandai tak kakak saye plan???

I would say she's my bestfriend! We talked about EVERYTHING and when I said EVERYTHING it really means EVERYTHING! We shared secrets, views, laughs, tears and everything (I said everything 4 times already rite?). She's really funny and die cakap KUAT! I think she's the loudest mother in the neighborhood. Die boleh jerit anak die kat hujung sane suruh balik tanpa perlu makan fisherman's friend after that.

She's my savior coz she babysits my daughter. If she dont want to then I think I would probably quit job (kidding!) coz I tak sampai hati nak suruh orang lain jage or send her to nursery.

Will post up her picture with abang ipar later (or not).

A Quick One (well not so)

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  • Lyna told me some good news, she's getting engage maybe early next year, CONGRATULATIONS in advance!
  • Its confirmed that my sister in law is 4 months pregnant, and her last daughter is 9months old, CONGRATULATIONS!! Its really rezeki, like she said - orang yang mengharap sangat susah nak dapat, orang yang tak harap sangat, ade je rezeki - Alhamdulillah, pray for me pulak ye!!
  • Hubby is applying for a job here in Seremban, hopefully he'll get it. Please Allah, we need your blessing.
  • I booked this handbag that I've been eyeing for so long online and I believe its 100% authentic, as claimed by the seller, but deep down in my heart, I'm still not 100% confident. What if its not authentic and I've spent like hundreds for it?? Any advise?? But nahh..I'll take the risk.
  • Lil'gem getting smarter each day, and sangat kuat merajuk, like yesterday, I fetched her from Kakcik's house at 8p.m and when I arrived, she didn't want to look at my face at all. Buat2 pandang tempat lain and buat2 tengok barang yang ade kat tangan die. After a while, when I asked her to look at me, she looked up a while only and then buat2 tak pandang balik. Eee...geram!!
  • She also now drink her milk at 7oz compared to 2 months ago only 5oz at one time, also an increase on the frequency. That means I have to increase her monthly milk supply to 4 cans of 1.8kg = an increase on monthly expenses. Ni sume sebab die taknak makan nasi AT ALL except some soup or bubur or other junk food. Rice is her fear factor. Mengenan anak kakcik, Haikal yang daily meal die roti, roti, dan roti. Luckily my daughter minum susu murah je, Anmum Essentials.
  • Fasting month in 10days, and I have yet to ganti last year's puasa. Really I have to start TOMORROW!
  • Tonight mak buat kenduri arwah kat rumah. Mak cakap, few weeks ago die mimpi arwah abah, baring kat lengan mak. She said she stare at arwah abah and said she cant follow him yet, coz the children are growing. Tunggu dulu la ye, mak cakap and abah mase tu senyum je sambil angguk-angguk kepale - Really, I missed him.
  • Bos takde for 3 days, so I'm finishing those pending works that due to procrastination. I hate myself for that! Really I have to move up!
  • This Saturday I was invited to Fifi's (Nini's daughter) birthday party, dont know what to buy for her. Think..think.. And at night, ade kenduri doa selamat untuk mak buyung Lyn, sempena sambut ramadhan, 7 bulan & kenduri naik rumah baru sekali.

Ok thats all I guess.
Will update more layterr!! Meanwhile, some photos of Lil'gem's activities last weekend.

An update (Caution - Picture Overload)

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It has been sometimes since the last time I blogged. So many things happened and I dont know where to start.

Lil'gem was diagnosed with chicken pox last Friday, she got infected from Alyssa. At first, I saw this small dotted on her leg but I didnt suspected anything coz I sent her to mother's house for a week to avoid infection but too bad as according to my boss it takes about 2 weeks or more for the virus to actually cleared.

When the chicken pox surfaced, she was not so high in fever and still active as usual, she only down with fever on the third day. The fever was so high that I have to use the suppository every 4hours. The next day, I brought her to see Dr. Ye and nothing much we can do just to control her temperature and let the 'red dotted' come out fast and disappear. But its not that simple when it started to be super itchy and Lil'gem cant sleep well at night. I took one day leave and hubby pun ambik kesempatan to continue his leave.

Some of my friends said 'macam kene dera'. Thats how bad it was.

Some random picture before the chicken pox strikes

After the chicken pox strikes - see the lubang-lubang on her face? That and there's more actually. I think it will stay, any suggestion on how to get rid of it? Sian anak dare mummy.

So yeah, on the day I brought Lil'gem to the hospital, I experienced miscarriage. I dont know that I'm pregnant as my menstrual circulation went cuckoo since I gave birth. Not coming for a month or late for 2 weeks are normal and I didn't even feel any difference or anything weird like my first pregnancy.

After seeing the doctor, I went to mother's house and my stomach ached like a period pain. On the way home, its getting worse and I cant even sit straight. I asked hubby to buy panadol or anything coz I really cant bear the pain, suddenly I feel like something came out and I thought its period and immediately the pain healed. When I reached home, I checked and found there's a sign of miscarriage. I asked kakcik and mother and both of them said I AM loosing a baby. I'm still ok at that time until I went and see the gynea, she confirmed it and said I was 6weeks pregnant. Its SIX WEEKS = 1 1/2 MONTH!! I was so surprise and yes, sad but I consoled myself by saying maybe its not the time yet. Dah takde rezeki kan... But still, I cried.

So thats that.

On 3rd August, we planned to bring Lil'gem to waterworld or wetworld however due to some reason that I still bitter, the plan was canceled. So untuk tidak menghampakan Lil'gem yang baru beli new swimsuit, I pun dengan sombongnye laid the inflatable kid pool that Along bought long time ago kat depan pagar. And Lil'gem pun dengan sombongnye mandi kat depan sambil eksyen kat anak orang sebelah rumah yang tertinjau-tinjau dengan harapan dapat join. But memandangkan that pool is sooo small can only fit herself, that kid next door cume dapat dengar suare Lil'gem and the rest of us jerit2 kegirangan (memang kami excited dalam setiap ape yang dilakukan oleh Lil'gem)

See betape girangnye die!!(and the people behind the camera, of course)

So to continue the fun-fun, last Sunday early in the morning we went for swimming. True enough, Lil'gem and the bunch of kiddies really had fun-fun!!

Berikut adalah aksi-aksi terlampau bagi kolam renang public



See die pun nak jugak buat aksi!! and its at adults pool summore!

Lil'gem dah lebam

Abang Bolossssssssss!!!


Abang Bolos lagi

Coaching the boys

Then ajak race

Of course la abang bolos menang, mane aci!!

Anak bujang kebanggaan kakcik - Ayit -

Umi & Alyssa

Abang bolos tunjuk kuat

Alyssa & aksi ultraman tak dapat dipisahkan

There's Lil'gem's reflection, precious!

Finito!! toldcha its gonna be loads of pictures. Hope I have the hype to blog again...till then, tata!!