Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

My Gems

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He's 28 weeks now and his kicks are getting stronger! I cant really sleep at night due to that and I couldn't find a good position to sleep when turning left or right doesn't make me any comfort. I'm getting heavier but I'm so happy that I'm not putting on weight so much this time around ;p.

I cant wait for him to make an appearance! Its been long we last have baby boy in the family and of course husband is more excited!

Emelda responding well to her baby brother. Whenever she sees my belly she will hug and kiss and said 'baby boy...buat ape tu!!'

Anywoots, Emelda's birthday party went well last Sunday. More pictures will be coming up sooooooohhhnnnnnn....

Till then, tata!!

Early Morning Ramblings

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Driving to work on Saturdays is a bliss. It takes me for about 13 minutes to reach the office while on normal days I have to spend 20-30 minutes on the road depending on the traffic. Give me more 'Saturday' please and I'll grin the whole day at work. Its that easy to please this pregnant lady!

Thats not my room mind you! I wont hang that lousy curtain in my room!! ;p

How Time Flies

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Today, my dearest Emelda is 2 years old. Its like a dream when I first know that I'm pregnant on 19th July 2006, about 4 months after we got married.

We bought a cake for her last night thought of waiting for abah to come back at 12am then we could wake Emelda up and cut the cake but me and husband being us accidently fell asleep early lat nite. I just woke up and very much surprise that its already 5 in the morning. Poor my baby, I havent wish and kiss her yet!! She sleeps with the inlaws... Series rase emo sangat skarang ni.... I want my baybeeeeehh!!!

Ok now I'm writing at 5am in my organizer. I dont wanna sleep back, I'll wait until 6 to bath and wait until that little comelicious to wake up. I'm gonna spend sometime with her before I'm off to work.

Oh ya! I think I've successfully wean her off on the 17th the other day and I still cant believe its that easy! That day after came back from work as usual she will ask for her 'spinach'. Well I'm actually didnt produce any milk anymore but she just want it for comfort feeding.

Here's my conversation with her:
"Mummy nak 'nenen'"
"Tak boleh la sayang.. dah tak elok, busuk"
"Alaaa....tak mummy dah basuh dah!!"
"Iye...lagipun Dada dah besar, dah nak pergi sekolah..Dada tak boleh hisap 'nenen' lagi.. Kak lisya, umi sume tak nenen dah.. Diorang sume dah sekolah.. Kakak Sofea yang rumah sebelah tu pun tak nenen lagi.." I said.
"Haa.. Fifi pun tak nenen lagi. Mummy ambik susu..pastu mummy dodoi ye.. tak boleh nenen lagi tau.." and she nodded her head sambil merenung jauh.
Since then, she never ask for her nenen anymore, well at least as off this time!! Even when I mentioned 'nenen' infront of her, she's like dah takde perasaan unlike before, pantang sebut je mesti die mintak!

And guess what, I think I'm the one who's missing our comfort feeding session. Really!! That's actually the best time for me to have bonding session with her having her next to me and I sing for her, tell her stories, talk to her cuddle her.. eee....rindulah!! Is she that big now???!!

This little mischieve, kalau bercakp jangan tanyelah, she's so talkative now. I've never met 2 years old kids who can talk so fluent like her. Her questions sometimes make us look at each other and laught for not able to answer it!

She can sing lagu Selamat Pengantin Baru siap chorus part yang
"hidup..mestila rukun..sabar paling perlu..cinta setiap hari.. senyum-senyum selalu..ohh..oh..oh..oh.." Haa..siap part oohhh..tu yg tak blh tahan! Its her favorite song rith now. She will sing her lung out everyday and Happy Birthday song too..

She can count 123 until 10 both in English & Malay without missing any number. Her ABC adn Alif Ba Ta getting better, only missed one two-three character/alphabet. Itupun kitorang jarang ajar. She can recite doa makan but we still have to help her a bit to remember..

Harte bende barang permainan or anything belong to her and the family, please dont touch! She will recognize that its her, its her embah & nenek's belongigs and myself & husband's barang like handphone ke baju ke anything! She will complaint and ask for it. Like when husband uses my h/p she will say "tu mummy punye phoneee..bukan ayah nyeee.." or something like that. If Alissa came to my house and play with her toysp un sangat la die kedekut! She will peluk all toys selagi terdaye and bawak lari.

She's so used to have everything for her own and when other kids came to play her toys, she'll feel insecure.

I can go on and on writing about her but I think I better stop now.

We'll have her birthday party most probably on the 29th.

Ish...I really miss her lah! I wanna peluk and cium her NOWW!! In like 2-3 years time I'm gonna have to send her to school, then there come primary..secondary then in a blink of an eye she's all ready for college or university and then what??!! Dont tell me she would get married adn I'll be sad-old-full of wrinkle mother whose her sight getting even more blurry that even glasses with 1000 power cant help her!!

Arrghhhhh!!!! I want my babyyyyyyyyyy!! Can you please stay small a bit longer Emelda??????

Ok enough.. some pictures of her cake cutting this morning. She's still in her pajama tapi wangi sebab dah letak bedak kat muke! hehehehe...

The Cake

The birthday girl

Her BFF at home - Missy Rabbit & Ms. Sasha's Bear
Tapi kadang-kadang due2 tu kawin, tapi due2 pompuan camne tuh??

Then after that, the battery kapooofff!! grrrrr!!!
To my dearest Emelda, I dont know why I'm so emotional today. I just cant believe that my little gem now 2 years old and I'm having another on in like 3 months time. Please know that you are my number 1 and my love for u will never last. As I write this, I've tears in my eyes... I really hope you would read this one day.
I dont know what else to say, one thing for sure my life will never complete without you..... I LOVE YOU!
Mummy Mu

Saat Bebas Dari Cengkaman Tugas Pejabat

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Boleh tak kalau hari-hari takyah pegi keje macam ni pastu boleh jalan jalan je sepanjang hari... pastu orang kat ofis nak call pun macam takut2 sket sebab takut mengganggu.. and thank you boss sebab tak call langsung during my leave.

Yang tak best nye, ingat dapat staff incentive by end of this month... dah berjolly-jolly kat puncak gunung boleh pulak tetibe dapat berita duka ni... habis camne nak buat birthday melda panggil clown bagai??? Bajet dah lari laaaaaaaaaa!!! Mintak2 la dorang tak cancel terusss...amin....

Oh..oh!!! we are working on something, hopefully everything goes smoothly. Pray hard...pray hard... insyaAllah, kalau ade rezeki ade la ye tak!

Ok la I'm off for a 5.30PM MEETING Y'ALL!! CUBE TEKA KENAPE NAK KENE ADE MEETING START PUKUL LIME SETENGAH PETANG????? ok cukup sakitkan hati sendiri..


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Marked our 3rd Anniversary.

Nothing was planned to celebrate, but we know that we love each other.

I would like to make a wish here but there're so many things in my head at this moment, I shall do it later.. or not!

Ok thats all for now, will update more soonnnn...and TAK SABARNYE NAK PEGI CUTI LAME!!!!!!!!!!